Thursday, March 26, 2009

See Ya Later/ Phir Milenge

This past week I have been going to classes, preparing for my yoga certification exam next week, applying like mad for summer jobs/ internships, phone-interviewing, trying to come up with an idea for my senior comps project for next semester, trying to figure out what classes I need to take next semester and panicking about all of the aforementioned things.

The sum of all of these parts is stress, fatigue, and something I call "blogger's block," or the inabilty to come up with anything interesting or cultureclashtastic-worthy to share.

This problem can be solved if:
1) Someone comes up with a feasible senior project for me
2) Someone hires me for the summer
3) I go somewhere really historic and interesting so that I can dazzle you all with photos and stories of exotic travel.
Lucky for you, I happen to be leaving for a very exciting weekend trip today and I will surely have lots of stories to share upon my return. Option #3 is taken care of, so the rest of you can get to work on numbers 1 and 2. Thanks.

By the by, the rain went away and it is now unbearably hot again.


  1. you must have more pictures you could post.

    when are you going to Mumbai?

  2. oh to be young again and have so much energy....Maybe the senior project should be about the power of yoga in coping with stress. I can't wait to read about Bhopal.

  3. How about how culture is reflected in dance and dress - 21st century

  4. How traditional dance is incorporated into and adapted to modern (often Western) influences. IE How traditional dance in India has dealt with 3 centuries of Western influence... and how Irish dance has evolved with modern music, etc... blah blah blah, you get it.
