Sunday, April 5, 2009

Everything is wonderful...except for one thing...

Let me clarify that I am not complaining, I just have a few interesting facts to share, such as:
-It is so hot that I break a sweat before I wake up in the morning.
-It is so hot that I think I'm sweating from my fingernails.
-It is so hot that the daily low is higher than the daily high for most of the year in Oregon.
-It is so hot that it doesn't even matter what clothes you wear.
-It is so hot that I never left the building all day on Friday.
-It is so hot that I can't come up with anything to blog about.
-It is so hot that it feels like I'm in India or something...

And as I understand it, this isn't that bad, after all, I'm going to sticky, humid Mumbai in a few weeks. And since the "cultural show" is coming up this week, we get to have extra dance class rehearsals at midday all week in the hot little dance room that is a long bike-ride away. As a result I require a lot of showers throughout the day, although, with solar-heated water systems if it 100 degrees outside, your shower water is also 100 degrees.

No one likes a complainer.


  1. I noted in Slum Dog Millionaire that there were scenes where some of the characters were conducting their daily affairs standing waist deep in water. do you suppose that had anything to do with the heat?

    It was 29º just a couple of mornings ago here. It's approaching 70º today, but that won't last.

    Do you keep your A/C running all the time?

    According to the web, you're only approaching the heat peak which occurs in May. You're lucky in one regard: the heavy rains don't begin until June.

    Min Max
    Celsius Fahrenheit

    March 21 36 70 97
    April 24 38 75 100
    May 27 40 81 104
    June 24 35 75 95

  2. Again, it gives me pleasure to know that there are places hotter than Texas, and that I'm not there.

    Maybe you're growing resistant to the heat though. You haven't mentioned any disgusting heat rashes or vomiting from heat stroke.

  3. Awww... you're so cute when you complain! :P
