Thursday, April 16, 2009

Preview of Coming Attractions

Nicole keeps asking about my plans for the rest of my semester, so here's a little rundown.

17 April (today)--To Mumbai! I will be staying with a former business friend of my father's for the weekend in Mumbai.

19 April--Return to Hyderabad and study really hard for finals.

22-23 April--Take finals, turn in term paper, fail miserably.

23 April--To Delhi! I'm going to Delhi for a few days before heading up to the Himalayas!

23 April- 3 May--Adventures in the Himalayas, I hope to visit Dharamsala (home of the the Dalai Lama), Manali, and Shimla. Possible adventures include going on a mountain trek, taking Tibetan cooking classes, riding in a hot-air balloon, and/or achieving enlightenment.

3 May--Back to Hyderabad for laundry, packing, goodbyes.

5 May--To Amsterdam!

5-20 May--Getting into trouble in Europe. From Amsterdam I will be traveling around Europe for a few weeks, I don't have official plans yet, but I hope to make it to Prague and maybe Budapest among other places.

20 May--To Portland!! My summer plans are still up in the air. Any advice or input is welcome.


  1. Make sure you have a photo taken of you and Lachman and his family.
    Given your itinerary I'm surprised you didn't try to fit in a quick excursion to Melbourne, which is just around the corner.
    Make sure the battery to your camera is charged. I want to see photos to prove you really did all these things.
    Believe it or not, Brian and I found a small Indian restaurant in Vancouver which served some very good meals. When you swing by to pick up "Pink Hubcaps" we'll have to try it out.
    And as that Startrek guru Spock stated: "go forth and prosper." Still good advice

  2. do visit nainital and haridwar etc .. they are really beautiful places

  3. Sounds similar to my exciting travel schedule--or not. I'll be counting the days until May 20 when you're back home.
