Friday, April 24, 2009

Northern Exposure

My first order of business upon my arrival in Delhi was to photograph the toilet in my hotel room. It is the first such fixture I have ever used to have a faded pastoral scene painted on the tank. The small farmhouse among tiny green trees and wispy clouds so perfectly complements the room's neon lighting and broken tile floor. You can expect photos as soon as I am reunited with my computer. It takes something like this to make me want to take a photo anymore...while the bustling street scenes and historic buildings in the city go by unrecorded, I take pictures of toilets. I guess my perspective on what counts as a novelty has changed.

Luckily, where I'm going today should be a completely new and unusual setting. I may even take a picture or two. Dharamsala, mountainous home to the Dalai Lama is populated mostly by Tibetans in exile, and as I understand is a wholly different culture than anywhere else in India. I will be hopping on a bus today at 4:30pm and arriving there tomorrow morning, so naturally, the most important item on my agenda today is to purchase some dense reading material. When I called a hotel to book a room in Dharamsala I discovered the first hotel I've ever heard of that "doesn't take reservations." I guess I may have to ask the monks to put me up for a few days.


  1. hey lady, i was thinking of you today! sounds like you are still alive and kickin; can't wait to hear about the mountains.

